Frequently Asked Questions
What are Customer Advisory Groups?
Customer Advisory Groups, or CAGs, are the primary forum for WaterNSW to engage and consult with a broad cross-section of our customers.
Groups are organised by local area, and we get together on issues relevant to our performance and delivery of services. With representation from all types of water users including regulated and unregulated river water users to local water utilities and environmental water users, CAGs are an important way for WaterNSW to share knowledge about our operations and assets and seek member feedback and advice.
What are the Customer Advisory Groups for 2025-2030?
Nominations for the 2025-2030 term, commencing 1 July 2025, are open for Customer Advisory Groups in the Barwon-Darling, Border Rivers, Coastal-Hunter, Greater Sydney, Gwydir, Lachlan, Macquarie-Cudgegong, Murrumbidgee (including Lowbidgee), Murray-Lower Darling, Namoi, and Peel valleys.
Am I eligible to become a member of a Customer Advisory Group?
Membership to the CAG is open to members or representatives of water user or industry groups that are nominated to represent their association. CAG members represent WaterNSW customers in their valley and have an obligation to provide regular feedback to the water users they represent. By serving as a CAG member, you can play a key role in positively influencing matters that impact water users and the wider community.
Membership includes WaterNSW customers from the regulated and unregulated streams, groundwater users, stock and domestic water users, local water utilities, industrial and commercial water users, environmental water users and Aboriginal community representatives and cultural water users. We are seeking a broad representation from different groups so please take the opportunity to get involved.
How often do Customer Advisory Groups meet?
CAGs endeavour to meet face-to-face twice per year, with the option of additional meetings if requested or required. The meetings are held locally and members are encouraged to attend in person.
WaterNSW acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which we work and pay our respects to all elders past, present and emerging. Learn more