Menindee Lakes inflows update
18 APRIL 2024Recent heavy rainfall in south-west Queensland is resulting in stream flows in northern NSW, with Menindee Lakes forecast to receive 70–100 gigalitres (GL) of inflow by the end of May.
Inflows from tributaries will continue over this week following rainfall in the Moonie and Culgoa catchments in Queensland as well as the Macintyre in the Border Rivers and Gil Gil River in the Gwydir catchment.
The increased flows have now reached Caloola on the Barwon River.
Rainfall in parts of the northern Murray-Darling Basin over the past six months has resulted in continued inflows to Menindee Lakes.
Since the start of 2024 approximately 186 GL of water has entered Menindee Lakes to date. Menindee Lakes are currently at 53%.
Note that inflow forecasting is undertaken using the best available data at the time. There are several variables which may impact the final volume, with uncertainty of the final volume reducing as water moves toward Menindee Lakes.
The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) currently has control of the shared resource in the Menindee Lake System and can call upon this water to meet the objectives and outcomes for operations in the River Murray System.
Releases of water from the lakes are guided by advice from the MDBA and other agencies including the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder.
For information on dam release rates and river impacts:
- Sign up to our Early Warning Network (EWN)
- Visit WaterInsights for dam levels, rainfall totals, dam releases
- Visit the Bureau of Meteorology for the latest weather and flood information
- For emergency information, contact the NSW SES on 132 500.