Trading water
Access important dates, application forms and frequently asked questions about water trading.
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Access important dates, application forms and frequently asked questions about water trading.
Water sharing plans in NSW allow the trade of allocation water subject to some conditions. Select the water type you wish to trade and follow the three easy steps listed in the pop-out window.
WaterNSW will not accept requests to backdate or amend a water allocation trade application after the season close date.
2024-25 season closing dates
In accordance with the relevant valley water sharing plans (WSPs), please note the following season close dates for water allocation trading:
WaterNSW will not accept customer requests to backdate or amend a water allocation trade application after the above season close dates.
Important information before completing your application |
Please ensure you read the following as it may impact your application.
Use this form to buy and sell water within a regulated river system under the Water Management Act 2000.
Form 71 for surface water assignment
Please download a separate allocation assignment form for each trade to avoid duplicate applications.
There is an application fee of $58.16 (GST free) for each application to assign regulated surface water.
Make a payment via credit card (PayWay).
WaterNSW now requires the payment of variable usage charges for all allocation assignments involving a buyer licence not linked to a NSW Works Approval.
Applicants should note that the variable usage charge will be based on the valley of use. Variable usage charges should be included with the transfer fee on application.
Please contact our Customer Service Centre to confirm the usage charge in your valley prior to lodging your application.
Applications can be emailed or mailed to the address below.
PO Box 453
For any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Centre.
If you are emailing your application make sure you send each application separately to ensure that no forms are missed. It is also a good idea to include your SWC reference number in the subject line of the email so that we can identify your trade quickly if you need to enquire about its progress.
Important information before completing your application |
Please ensure you read the following as it may impact your application.
Use this form to buy and sell water within an unregulated source under the Water Management Act 2000.
Form 71 for unregulated water assignment
Please download a separate allocation assignment form for each trade to avoid duplicate applications.
There is a $58.16 (GST free) application fee for each application to assign unregulated water.
Make a payment via credit card (PayWay).
Where can I find more details about these fees?
The above fee structure has been set in accordance with the relevant IPART Water Pricing determinations.
Details of the fee and IPART determination can be found on the fees and charges page.
Applications can be emailed or mailed to the address below.
PO Box 453
For any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Centre.
If you are emailing your application make sure you send each application separately to ensure that no forms are missed. It is also a good idea to include your SWC reference number in the subject line of the email so that we can identify your trade quickly if you need to enquire about its progress.
Important information before completing your application |
Please ensure you read the following as it may impact your application. Third-party consent
From 1 July 2024, we will re-commence third-party consent checks on applicable groundwater trades (71T Dealings), applying modern privacy principles to the process. In addition to this improved process, WaterNSW will also improve transparency for market participants around impact assessments for groundwater trades. For more information about the new process for completing temporary trades, including eligibility criteria, application procedures, and approval timelines, please refer to our frequently asked questions (PDF, 315.93 KB) and this fact sheet. |
Use this form to buy and sell water within a groundwater source under the Water Management Act 2000.
Form 71 for groundwater assignment
Please download a separate allocation assignment form for each trade to avoid duplicate applications.
There is a $58.16 (GST free) application fee for each application to assign groundwater.
Make a payment via credit card (PayWay).
Where can I find more details about these fees?
The above fee structure has been set in accordance with the relevant IPART Water Pricing determinations.
Details of the fee and IPART determination can be found on the fees and charges page.
Applications can be emailed or mailed to the address below.
PO Box 453
For any enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Centre.
If you are emailing your application make sure you send each application separately to ensure that no forms are missed. It is also a good idea to include your SWC reference number in the subject line of the email so that we can identify your trade quickly if you need to enquire about its progress.
Please find an update on the 1 July 2025 Barmah Choke trade opportunity.
Please find below an update on the 1 July 2025 Barmah Choke trade opportunity.
In line with prior years, WaterNSW continues to work with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA – Victoria) to deliver a reliable Barmah trade opening and improve access to trade. WaterNSW and DEECA are currently considering using a combined ‘single queue’ and randomisation process for applications for the 1 July Barmah trade opportunity. This would leverage the approach that Victoria used in the Goulburn to Murray trade openings last year and extend this so that it applies to applications received by both WaterNSW and the Victorian Water Register.
Both WaterNSW and DEECA are committed to working together to ensure reliable access to this year’s opening Barmah trade opportunity and a unified experience for customers from both NSW and Victoria.
If you would like to provide feedback on the trade application process and the randomisation approach, please submit feedback through our online form by 31 March 2025.
Information about the 1 July 2024 Barmah Choke trade
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), who manage and monitor the Barmah Choke trade balance, opened trade opportunity on 1 July 2024 at 56,038.7 megalitres (ML) downstream of the Barmah Choke.
WaterNSW and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) (Victoria) have been working together to ensure more equitable access to trade opportunities and a more unified experience for traders from both New South Wales and Victoria. The two states have implemented a new protocol (PDF, 66.1 KB) for processing trade applications which will apply for the 1 July 2024 Barmah Choke trade opportunity.
Traders have experienced no change to how they apply via each state’s process, but all users had better access to the trade opportunity regardless of which state the application is lodged from.
Please see below the key statistics from 1 July 2024 trade, or view a more detailed breakdown of the Barmah Choke trade here (PDF, 143.6 KB).
Key statistics from 1 July 2024 trade |
In total, 161 trades were received for a volume of 136,528 ML.
Further information:
To ensure you stay up-to-date with water trade news and other important water market updates, please sign-up to our email subscription service. Our email service allows you to stay informed about changes that may impact the way you trade water.
Customer trade application obligations
From 1 July 2024, there will be new customer obligations when providing information to WaterNSW for trade transactions. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), through its Murray-Darling Basin water markets inquiry 2019-21 recommended mandatory reporting of prices for all tradeable water rights transactions, including irrigation rights and water delivery rights. The Federal Government accepted their recommendation and has made it a legal requirement under the Restoring our Rivers Bill 2023.
What does this change mean for me?
To ensure you remain compliant or for more information, view the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water fact sheet here.
Groundwater trade
WaterNSW will now only refer ‘Groundwater 71T dealings’ (allocation assignments / temporary trades) to NSW DCCEEW where an impact assessment is required. Impact assessment referrals are made based on set guidelines.
To assist you in understanding the process and the assessment requirements, please refer to the NSW DCCEEW fact sheet.
Customers should be aware that, the water account balancing or topping up at the end of a water year (including trades received in the month of June) will be considered trade within that same water year and could be subject to an impact assessment which may result in a reduced volume or a refused application, depending on the outcome of the individual assessment.
Fact sheets
Guides and frequently asked questions (FAQs)
1. This is the reference number of your form. The number on each form should be unique and allows WaterNSW to quickly track the progress of your application. You will also need to use this reference when making your payment via PayWay.
2. This section is where you enter the volume and price of the water you want to assign (trade). You can check the current available balance on your licence by contacting our Customer Service Centre, or by logging into your iWAS account.
3. If the sale price is zero ($0) and permitted for a trade purpose, please enter the Trade Purpose Classification stated in Part 5. If other, please enter the reason in the box provided.
4. This is where the seller completes the details relating to their licence. Remember to indicate your authority to make the application and record the registered licence holder details of the licence. If you would like WaterNSW to notify you when the application is complete, don’t forget to include your email address.
5. If the application is being submitted by a Broker, enter the Broker’s name and email address. WaterNSW will notify the agent when the application is completed.
6. This section lists the Trade Purpose Classification. Please note, if your sale price is $0, you cannot select a purpose marked with an asterisk.
7. This is where the seller can complete their Meter Reading
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