Advertising and objections

Certain types of water applications are required to be advertised to provide an opportunity to lodge an objection.


Certain types of water applications are required under the Water Management Act 2000 to be advertised to provide members of the community with an opportunity to lodge an objection to the granting of the application before a decision is made.

View advertised applications


How are applications assessed?

Applications for approvals are subject to strict and thorough assessment. For example, groundwater applications (not including basic landholder rights) may go through a hydrogeological assessment by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW).

All applications to take water other than under basic landholder rights are also assessed by WaterNSW against legislation covering:

  • Threatened species
  • Native title
  • Aboriginal heritage
  • Contaminated land.

For more information on the assessment process, read the Process to assess applications to take water fact sheet. (PDF, 519.28 KB) If applications do not pass these assessments, approvals are not granted without further investigation by WaterNSW.

What type of applications are advertised?

  • Water supply works approvals – other than basic landholder rights approvals
  • Water use approvals – such as approval to irrigate for commercial purposes on an existing landholding
  • Flood works approvals - any 'non-complying' flood works or those situated on a flood plain where no management plan is in force
  • Amendments to approvals - additional uses, works, activities and landholdings
  • Water access licence (WAL) approval – in limited circumstances


What are Objections?

Objections made to WaterNSW are reviewed and resolved, where possible. WaterNSW is limited in the type of objections it can deal with under the Water Management Act 2000.

Objectors have 28 days to lodge an objection from the date the advertisement is listed on the NSW Water Register.

Prior to lodging an objection, check the examples below to see if another agency is better placed to resolve the issue.


Objections to provisions contained within a water sharing plan
- NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW)

Objections based on environmental issues (e.g. contamination)
- NSW Environmental Protection Agency

Objections that fall under local government legislation (e.g. unauthorised activity, noise)
- The local council

Objections about suspicious water behaviour (e.g. illegal water take and use)
- Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR)

How to lodge an objection?

Use the WaterNSW objection form or submit a separate document. Read the Prepare to lodge an objection fact sheet ( PDF, 502.1 KB) for more information.

Send completed objections to:

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