Water supply works and water use approvals
Access the information and resources you need to understand water supply work and water use approvals.
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Water for fire preparedness and fire fighting
When bushfires threaten a region, it is important that landholders have fast and easy access to water to wet down buildings and surrounding areas and suppress the fire front.
Water for fire preparedness and fire fighting
When bushfires threaten a region, it is important that landholders have fast and easy access to water to wet down buildings and surrounding areas and suppress the fire front.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW) have made changes which allow landholders access to water to prepare and respond to emergency fire situations without a water access licence or approval. This change aims to provide faster and more cost-effective solutions for fire preparedness and fire fighting.
What has changed?
The exemptions now allow landholders to take and use water without a water access licence or water use approval in the following instances:
The exemptions also support fire preparedness activities such as training and controlled burning (by or under the authority of a fire fighting authority), maintenance of fire fighting equipment, and wetting down buildings and land surrounding buildings whenever a fire is threatening a property.
To view more information, visit the NSW DCCEEW website or view the Water for fire preparedness fact sheet.
Water supply work approvals are granted to construct and operate water supply works such as pumps, bores, spear points or wells.
Whereas a water use approval authorises its holder to use water for a particular purpose, such as irrigation, at a particular location. It may also authorise the use within NSW of water taken from a water source outside NSW. Approvals cannot be traded to another property or location.
Generally, a water supply work approval is used in conjunction with a water access licence (WAL) and attracts associated fees and charges in addition to fees and charges applied to linked WAL’s.
To simplify water management for individual properties, if both a water supply work approval and a water use approval are required, then these can be joined into a single approval, known as a combined approval.
Approval holders are responsible for ensuring their approvals remain valid and up to date. Failure to do so may result in late fees. Each approval includes conditions (PDF, 482.38 KB) to minimise adverse impacts.
Use the NSW Water Register to search for information about the status of water use approvals granted by WaterNSW, including conditions (PDF, 482.38 KB) and approval applications.
Generally, a water supply work approval is used in conjunction with a water access licence (WAL) and attracts associated fees and charges in addition to fees and charges applied to linked WAL’s.
To simplify water management for individual properties, if both a water supply work approval and a water use approval are required, then these can be joined into a single approval, known as a combined approval. Both example 1 and 4 could be combined approvals.
A crop farmer has constructed a bore (water supply work approval) which extracts water (water access licence) for the purpose of irrigation (water use approval). |
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A food processing company has installed a pump (water supply work approval) which extracts water (water access licence) for the purpose of manufacturing (no water use approval required, manufacturing business has DA). |
A golf club has installed a pump for the purpose of irrigating the course (combined work and use approval) which extracts water from a lake (water access licence). |
Applying for an approval for water supply works and/or water use
For the application and guide for approval for water supply works and/or water use, go to Applications and fees.
A water use approval is required to use water on land for all purposes except when exercising basic landholder rights.
You also need approval to construct and use all water supply works to:
To simplify water management for individual properties, if both a water supply work approval and a water use approval are required, then these are combined into a single approval.
The application forms require information to assess whether the work may have significant impacts on the environment or whether particular conditions to minimise any impacts may be required.
Application fees for water supply work and water use approvals vary, depending on the type of work. For more information, go to Applications and fees or contact the Customer Service Centre.
Are there exceptions?
When taking water under your basic landholder right (for example for domestic and stock purposes) you do not need a water use approval.
You do not need a water supply work approval for:
However, you still need a water supply work approval to construct a dam in a river or to construct a bore, well, spear point or excavation under the domestic and stock right.
Other works may be exempt under the Water Management (General) Regulation 2018 or NSW planning legislation.
Apply for a new or to amend an approval to take groundwater under a domestic and stock right
You can apply for a new approval either online or by using a hard copy form:
You can apply to amend an existing approval using the below forms:
Information before lodging an application
A pre-application meeting with a Water Regulation Officer is recommended to discuss the proposed activity, likely impacts, the application process and the information required. The pre-application meeting is a free service. To arrange a pre-application meeting, please go to our 'Licences' webpage and click the 'book now' button at the top of the page.
Applicants also need to demonstrate that they have secure tenure over the land where the work is to be located or where the water is to be used. Secure tenure includes:
What happens after WaterNSW receives the application?
Applications will be assessed according to WaterNSW assessment procedures and guidelines.
Applications for the following types of approvals may need to be advertised by WaterNSW:
WaterNSW will either determine to grant this application with appropriate conditions or refuse it. Applicants will be advised in writing of the determination and, if granted, a water use or water supply works statement will also be issued.
What are the key features of the approval statement?
The main features on the statement are:
What happens after I receive my water supply work approval?
The approval will allow you to construct a work up to a certain capacity or size and at a specified location described in the approval.
If the water supply work approval is for a bore, your responsibility is to:
WaterNSW recommends that the driller constructs the bore to the minimum requirements set out in the Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australia guidelines available from the Australian Drilling Industry Association website (PDF).
A copy of Bore construction report (Form A) (PDF, 267.56 KB) is provided with approvals for a water supply work. As part of their licence requirements, drillers must complete this form (including details of the location of the bore on your property, construction details of the bore, as well as information on the quality of the bore water). You must send the Form A to WaterNSW, together with any other additional information required in the water supply works approval, within two months of completion of the bore.
Do I need a pumping test to be carried out on my bore?
Test pumping of your new bore allows the safe yield of the bore to be determined. That is, the optimum pumping rate that can be achieved without significant drawdown impacts. The information obtained from test pumping also allows pump suppliers to recommend a suitably sized pump for your bore, as well as advising on its appropriate depth of placement.
Following completion of a bore for domestic and stock use, test pumping at a constant rate is recommended for a minimum duration of six hours as described in the guidelines, Minimum Construction Requirements for Water Bores in Australia, available from the Australian Drilling Industry Association website (PDF) and the Australian Standard AS 2368-1990 Test Pumping of Water Wells.
In the case of bores for irrigation, industrial, recreation or other commercial purposes located in the coastal management area of the state, it is recommended that a hydrogeological consultant is engaged to manage a longer term pumping test in accordance with the Minimum requirements for pumping tests on water bores in New South Wales (PDF, 2876.18 KB).
Other specific requirements apply for licences in inland areas. Contact a Water Regulation Officer at your local WaterNSW office for further advice.
What happens if the holders of an approval change?
If an existing approval holder/s wants to extend an approval but the approval holders have changed, the records for the approval held by WaterNSW will first need to be updated with the new holders' details. Charges that may relate to the approval for future water use may then be directed to the correct holder/s.
If you are an existing approval holder or are no longer the holder of an approval, contact our Customer Service Centre for advice on the requirements to amend an approval.
Extending a water supply work and/or use approval
When your water supply work and/or water use approval is nearing its expiry date, you will receive communications from WaterNSW prompting you to extend your approval.
Letters to approval holders notifying them about applying to extend an approval are posted by WaterNSW before the expiry date of the approval. The letter notifying you to apply to extend a water supply work and/or water use approval includes a personal application number for you to use our Water Applications Online service to apply and pay online.
If your notification letter does not include this number you will need to fill in the hard copy application form posted to you with your notification letter.
For more information, please refer to our Frequently asked questions (FAQs) - Extend your approval (PDF, 126.1 KB)
Steps to extend your approval once you receive your notification letter
If you want to continue using your water supply works or using water for the purpose specified on your approval, you need to:
1. Apply to extend the duration of your approval before the expiry date. You can do this by using our Water Applications Online service and clicking on 'Visit Water Applications Online’. Then select 'Start new application’ and then select ‘Extend an approval’. When requested enter the personal application number (found on your letter).
Please note: If your letter does not contain a personal application number, you will need to fill out the hard copy application form posted to you with your letter.
2. Pay the application fee. For details of the application fee please visit our Applications and fees webpage. If you do not make this payment by your expiry date, a late application fee will apply.
Alternatively, if you no longer require your approval, please contact us on 1300 662 077.
Please note: Approval holders are responsible for ensuring their approvals remain valid and up to date. Failure to do so may result in late fees.
To ensure your approval is correct, it's your responsibility to confirm that your approval matches the works listed.
Make a work inactive
Mandatory metering requirements will be required from 1 April 2019 for all new approvals meeting the threshold and in a staged manner for all existing approval holders. Holders now have the option to make a work inactive to be exempt from the mandatory metering requirements and the option to reactivate an inactive work when the work is required to be used again.
You can use the form amend an approval for inactive and active works (PDF, 208.84 KB) to specify a work is inactive. An approval holder may not be using an authorised work/s to take water for a number of reasons, including:
In this case the approval holder may choose to apply to amend their work as ‘inactive’, so they do not need to comply with any mandatory condition on the approval that metering equipment be installed, used and properly maintained.
An approval may specify that the authorised work is ‘inactive’ if:
If an approval specifies that the authorised work is inactive, the approval will include a condition prohibiting the work from being used to take water. It is an offence to use a water supply work to take water when it is prohibited by a condition of the approval.
For unregulated and groundwater customers, the one-part tariff charge rate will apply for an approval with an inactive work status. To learn more about the one-part tariff charge rate and how this will impact your bill, please visit our fees and charges page
Note: A work that has not been constructed does not need to be made inactive.
The approval holder can apply to withdraw this ‘inactive’ status at any time. Alternatively, approval holders who have permanently stopped using an authorised water supply work to take water may choose to decommission the work and surrender the approval. Once the approval is surrendered it will be cancelled and cannot be re-activated.
Make a work active
You can use the form amend an approval for inactive and active works (PDF, 208.84 KB) to make the work active (withdraw the inactive status).
The 'inactive' status can be withdrawn by amending the approval to become an active work. An approval holder can only make a work/s active if the work/s are listed as 'inactive' on the approval.
To make a work active, you will need to provide evidence that your work is metered in accordance with the regulatory requirements, including;
If the water supply work approval work is active, the approval holder must comply with any mandatory condition on the approval that metering equipment be installed, used and properly maintained.
Reduce pump size
Some water users may have works installed which are smaller than what is listed on their approval. Under recent amendments to the metering regulations water users can now notify us of the actual size of their work if it is smaller than what is listed on their approval. To do so please complete the online notification form.
Please note: By notifying us that you have a smaller work than what is listed on your approval, this does not amend your approval. Therefore, the fee associated with amending a work approval does not apply.
If you wish to amend your approval, including to increase the size of the authorised work, you can do so by using the following forms:
The associated fee and regular assessment process will apply.
Review a bore extraction limit (BEL)
You can apply to amend bore extraction limit (BEL) conditions on a water supply works and/or water use approval (PDF, 268.59 KB). This application is subject to groundwater assessment.This assessment is on your individual work(s) and is completed by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW) Hydrogeology. For review of existing BEL(s) this could either result in a higher, lower or no change BEL based on the assessment outcome.
Your application must be submitted with pump test information as per the minimum requirements for pumping tests on water bores in NSW. Without this, an assessment cannot be undertaken and will be marked invalid.
Other amend an approval applications
If you no longer need your water supply work approval, you can voluntarily surrender your approval.
Please read the guide before completing the application.
For more information, contact our Customer Service Centre.
Groundwater is a complex and often very fragile resource which plays an important role in natural ecosystems. Groundwater sources (also known as aquifers) can be accessed by different works such as a bore, well, spear point or excavation. An approval must be held to construct any of these works.
Why is an approval required?
Licensing groundwater works, and monitoring the levels of extraction, helps us to sustainably manage our groundwater sources, protecting their quality and the ecosystems that depend on them.
Data gained from drilling a bore is collated in a database of groundwater works in NSW which provides information on the location, quantities and quality of water in the aquifer and the local geology.
Existing groundwater records
Records on existing groundwater works, including bores, wells and excavations can be found at Australian Groundwater Explorer and Real Time Data.
Applying for a groundwater approval
The Water Management Act 2000 requires landholders to hold:
Engaging a driller
If you are engaging a driller, you are responsible for ensuring that the bore is drilled by a person who holds a current NSW driller's licence. Additionally, the licence class must be appropriate for the type of drilling to be undertaken.
For information on water access licence dealings in water sources managed by groundwater sharing plans, go to Dealings and trade.
Fact sheets and guides
WaterNSW acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which we work and pay our respects to all elders past, present and emerging. Learn more