Water access licences
Access the information and resources you need to understand water access licences.
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Access the information and resources you need to understand water access licences.
Customers are encouraged to book an appointment with us to discuss water licensing enquiries.
Book a phone appointment
Select your enquiry category below and use our online facility to book a phone appointment. Phone appointments are available Monday to Thursday.
Please note that this service is in relation to approval and licensing enquiries and does not include questions regarding water allocation assignments/temporary trade - 71T/71V applications. If you have any questions regarding trade, please contact our Customer Service Centre
Book a face-to-face appointment
The following offices are open for face-to-face meetings every Tuesday to discuss your water licensing enquiries. Select your local office to use our online facility to book a face-to-face meeting with one of our water licensing experts.
Water regulation enquiries please use this link. |
Lodgement of an application for a basic landholder right (BLR) bore, please use this link.
A water access licence (WAL) is generally required to extract water from rivers or aquifers to use for irrigation, industrial or commercial purposes. The Water Management Act 2000 governs the issue of WALs and approvals for water sources in New South Wales where water sharing plans have commenced.
A water access licence (WAL) is generally required to extract water from rivers or aquifers to use for irrigation, industrial or commercial purposes.
The Water Management Act 2000 governs the issue of WALs and approvals for water sources in New South Wales where water sharing plans have commenced.
WAL categories help define the priorities between different WALs, the conditions that apply to them and, in the case of specific purpose category WALs, define how water may be used.
Categories include: regulated river (high security), regulated river (general security), supplementary water, regulated river (conveyance), unregulated river, aquifer (groundwater), estuarine water, coastal water, domestic and stock, major utility and local water utility.
Subcategories of any category of WAL may be prescribed by the regulations. Applications may be made for the following specific purpose WALs (subject to any restrictions contained in a relevant management plan) as follows:
Category of access licence: Domestic and stock |
Category of access licence: Regulated river (high security) |
Category of access licence: Unregulated river |
Category of access licence: Aquifer |
The reference to ‘tenure’ on a WAL certificate indicates the duration of the WAL. A WAL ceases to be in force on the cancellation date as recorded on the WAL Register.
The WAL Register has a separate record for each WAL issued (called a WAL folio), which is administered by NSW LRS. When WaterNSW approves a WAL, it is the responsibility of the applicant to inform NSW LRS and pay the applicable fee. For more information visit NSW LRS website.
NSW LRS issues a duplicate of the WAL folio called the WAL certificate to the licence holder, or any other relevant party (e.g. a mortgagee). In the case of a former joint water supply authority, where there are a number of separate holders and registered interests, certificates will only be issued where all parties agree on who should hold it.
Usually, a new WAL certificate, or edition of the certificate, is generated each time a new dealing is registered. For more information, visit the Registrar General's Directions website.
Changes to information on the WAL Register about the WAL holder and security interests are managed directly by NSW LRS. Changes as a result of other water dealings (e.g. subdivisions) must be approved by WaterNSW before they can be registered on the WAL Register.
For information on the different components included in water access licence certificate (PDF, 508.58 KB), please view our guide.
You can apply for a new WAL using Water Applications Online or by downloading and completing a form.
Most water sharing plans allow for applications for the following categories of water access licences (WALs):
A new WAL becomes legally effective only when it is registered by NSW Land Registry Services (NSW LRS) on the WAL Register.
A water allocation account will be established for the new WAL.
If an available water determination has been made, water will be credited to the account. However, water will only be credited to an account for a zero share WAL once you have purchased account water or a share component from another WAL holder.
WAL holders can only take water if:
New specific purpose water access licence:
New water access licence with a zero share component:
Please read the guide before completing the application.
Water for fire preparedness and fire fighting
When bushfires threaten a region, it is important that landholders have fast and easy access to water to wet down buildings and surrounding areas and suppress the fire front.
Water for fire preparedness and fire fighting
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW) have made changes which allow landholders access to water to prepare and respond to emergency fire situations without a water access licence or approval. This change aims to provide faster and more cost-effective solutions for fire preparedness and fire fighting.
When bushfires threaten a region, it is important that landholders have fast and easy access to water to wet down buildings and surrounding areas and suppress the fire front.
The NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW) have made changes which allow landholders access to water to prepare and respond to emergency fire situations without a water access licence or approval. This change aims to provide faster and more cost-effective solutions for fire preparedness and fire fighting.
What has changed?
The exemptions now allow landholders to take and use water without a water access licence or water use approval in the following instances:
The exemptions also support fire preparedness activities such as training and controlled burning (by or under the authority of a fire fighting authority), maintenance of fire fighting equipment, and wetting down buildings and land surrounding buildings whenever a fire is threatening a property.
To view more information, visit the NSW DCCEEW website or view the Water for fire preparedness fact sheet.
Visit the NSW Water Register for information on water access licences and other consents under the Water Management Act 2000.
WaterNSW provides a service to assist customers to identify water related interests held under the Water Management Act 2000.
Why would you request a legal search for water related interests?
These searches are usually undertaken by solicitors acting on behalf of a purchaser to:
Apply for a search for water related interests
To request a search for water related interests:
1. Complete the Application for a search for water-related interests form (PDF, 331.08 KB)
2. Pay the application fee identified in the following table of fees (an application will not be processed until the fee has been received)
3. Submit the completed and signed application form by email to Water.Search@waternsw.com.au or posting it to
Water Search, WaterNSW
PO Box 398
Parramatta NSW 2124.
Solicitor's enquiries | |
Normal pricing per 20 Lot/DP (up to 10 days) | $187 |
Urgent per 20 Lot/DP (within 48hrs) | $375 - If you require urgent processing of the application, email the completed form and pay the application fee by phoning us with your credit card details. |
A security interest may be a mortgage or charge.
Security interests under the Water Management Act 2000
Under the Water Management Act 2000, security interests may be registered directly against a WAL on the WAL Register.
Under the licence conversion provisions of the Water Management Act 2000, a security interest (registered or unregistered) that relates to a 'prior' licence under the Water Act 1912 is taken to be a security interest against the replacement WAL.
For more information about security interests and WALs, refer to the encumbrances section in the Guide to WALs and certificates (PDF, 508.58 KB).
Registering new security interests
Registering a new security interest
Converting existing security interests
Converting existing security interests
Converting security interests if you are a WAL holder
As a holder of a WAL, you may want to buy, sell or change your replacement WAL by a WAL dealing within the three-year period for registering prior licence interests. To do this, you will need to initiate and complete the resolution of the prior licence interests. This means you will need to:
WaterNSW can then instruct NSW LRS to register the 'claimed' interests and release the WAL for dealings.
You can use the WAL Number Search in the online Security Interest Conversion system to identify prior licence interests in your WAL.
To register a prior licence interest in your WAL:
Converting security interests if you are a security interest holder
Prior licence security interests will be registered by WaterNSW on request within three years of the commencement date of the WAL, providing that:
The wording of the notice to the WAL holder must comply with the Mortgagee notice of registration of security interest issue to WAL holders template (PDF, 92.91 KB).
Note that a security interest holder is exempt from this requirement if the licence holder requests WaterNSW, in writing, to have the security interest registered on your behalf. This will typically happen when the WAL holder wants to undertake a dealing before three years expires and before the prior licence interests are resolved by the interest holders.
Security interest holders can use the WAL Number Search in the online Security Interest Conversion system.
Security interest holders can also apply for access to use the Security Interest Conversion system to search for all replacement WALs in which the user may have a prior licence interest and, once the 90-day notification process is complete, lodge claims online with WaterNSW.
To apply for access, go to the Security Interest Conversion system and complete the online request by email to seek approval for login and password access.
Alternatively, security interest holders can lodge a request to register a prior licence interest by completing the Request to register a security interest in a replacement WAL, or notification that no security interest exists (initiated by security interest holder) form (PDF, 172.44 KB).
Converting security interests relating to 'prior' Water Act 1912 licences
When a water sharing plan commences under the Water Management Act 2000, licences issued under the Water Act 1912 are converted to WALs (and approvals). The conversion is completed with the issue of a WAL certificate. A certificate is needed to buy or sell water through dealings.
The Water Management Act 2000 provides that any security interest on a land attaching to a 'prior' licence under the Water Act 1912 continues as an equivalent interest in the replacement WAL. The party holding that interest needs to indicate whether they wish to register it on the WAL register against the replacement WAL. They will generally have three years from the commencement of the replacement WAL to lodge their claim. Any interests which have not been claimed within that time period are extinguished.
Once all prior interests are resolved (registered or repudiated) the certificate is issued. In the case of a licence with a security interest, the certificate is typically issued to the holder of a security interest.
WaterNSW acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which we work and pay our respects to all elders past, present and emerging. Learn more