2022 - 23 Fees and charges
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The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has reviewed prices for WaterNSW’s Services (and those of its subsidiaries) for the 2022-23 financial year, more information can be found on IPART’s website.
2022-23 Greater Sydney water charges
IPART has made its determination of WaterNSW prices for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 for bulk water services in Greater Sydney. A copy of the determination can be located on the IPART website.
Fixed Availability Charge* | $/Month | $14,227,550.23 |
Volumetric charge (30 day non-drought month) | $/ML | $74.97 |
Volumetric charge (31 day non-drought month) | $/ML | $72.56 |
Volumetric charge (30 day drought month) | $/ML | $89.72 |
Volumetric charge (31 day drought month) | $/ML | $86.82 |
**Volumetric charge (30 day drought month with SDP in full operation) | $/ML | Up to $112.32 |
**Volumetric charge (31 day drought month with SDP in full operation) | $/ML | Up to $107.82 |
Goulburn Mulwaree Council | Service charge | Fixed availability charge | $/Month | $2,019.70 |
Bulk raw water ($/ml) | Volumetric charge | $/ML | $67.15 | |
Bulk raw water ($/ml) | Volumetric charge | $/ML | $56.10 | |
Shoalhaven City Council | Service charge | Fixed availability charge | $/Month | $1,682.73 |
Bulk raw water ($/ml) | Volumetric charge | $/ML | $67.15 | |
Bulk raw water ($/ml) | Volumetric charge | $/ML | $56.10 | |
Wingecarribee Shire Council | Service charge | Fixed availability charge | $/Month | $89,754.41 |
Bulk raw water ($/ml) | Volumetric charge | $/ML | $67.15 | |
Bulk raw water ($/ml) | Volumetric charge | $/ML | $56.10 |
Service charge | Fixed availability charge for connection of nominal diameter | 20 mm | $/Annum | $108.34 |
25 mm | $/Annum | $169.28 | ||
30 mm | $/Annum | $243.77 | ||
32 mm | $/Annum | $277.36 | ||
40 mm | $/Annum | $433.36 | ||
50 mm | $/Annum | $677.13 | ||
80 mm | $/Annum | $1,733.46 | ||
100 mm | $/Annum | $2,708.52 | ||
150 mm | $/Annum | $6,094.18 | ||
200 mm | $/Annum | $10,834.10 | ||
>200 mm | $/Annum | (Meter size)2 x | ||
Bulk unfiltered water ($/kL) | Volumetric Charge | $/kL | $1.48 for drought response days^ $1.24 for non-drought response days | |
Bulk raw water ($/kL) | Volumetric Charge | $/kL | $0.85 for drought response days^ $0.71 for |
Pricing as determined by IPART.
* The fixed availability charge assumes one large customer in the Greater Sydney catchment area (i.e. Sydney Water Corporation). If the large customer base expands during the 2020-24 determination period, then the fixed availability charge will be levied on each large customer in proportion of their share of total water delivered to large customers in the Greater Sydney catchment area.
** These are indicative charges which assumes the Sydney Desalination Plant (SDP) delivers the maximum amount per month (7,980 MLs) as per clause 3 of the determination. If the volume of water delivered by SDP is less than 7,980 MLs, then the volumetric charge is scaled down in proportion to the actual volume of water deliver by SDP. The actual volume of water delivered by SDP must be notified to WaterNSW by all large customers no later than 5 business days after the end of the relevant month.
*** The charges above exclude Shoalhaven transfer costs, which are recovered through an additional volumetric charge determined under clause 3 of the determination document. Shoalhaven transfer costs are determined by reference to the efficient benchmark cost of electricity as determined by IPART.
***The indicative volumetric charges do not apply when:
In these cases, the volumetric charge will be recalculated in accordance with clause 3 of the determination.
IPART use the term ‘drought’ as a shorthand for when dam levels fall below 60%.
IPART use a ‘60/70 trigger’ for moving between non-drought and drought usage prices. That is, drought usage prices will apply 31 days after dam levels fall below 60% and would continue to apply until 31 days after dam levels are above 70%, at which the non-drought usage price would apply.
^ Drought Response Day means a day that falls within a period which commences on and includes a Trigger Day and ends on and includes the day before the next Cease Day.
Charges are billed quarterly in arrears, payment terms for all invoices is 30 days from the date of issue. For more information on our billing terms and conditions, or if you are having difficulties paying your water bill, please refer to Accounts and billing.
2022-23 Broken Hill Pipeline water services
Please note that IPART delayed the introduction of the 2022-23 prices for WaterNSW’s Broken Hill Pipeline water services until 1 January 2023, therefore the two tables below represent the prices for Broken Hill Pipeline water services from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023 .
Essential Energy | $67,280.98 - per day | $212.52 - per ML |
Non Essential Energy | $20.78 - per day | $0.21 - per kL |
Essential Energy | $53,388.87 - per day | $0.52 - per kL |
Non Essential Energy | $17.79 - per day | $0.52 - per kL |
Pricing as determined by the IPART.
Charges are billed quarterly in arrears, payment terms for all invoices is 30 days from the date of issue. For more information on our billing terms and conditions, or if you are having difficulties paying your water bill, please refer to Accounts and billing.
2022-23 Fish River water charges
Raw water ($/kl) | |||
Energy Australia | $0.51 | $0.35 | $0.86 |
Lithgow Council | $0.51 | $0.35 | $0.86 |
Oberon Council | $0.44 | $0.27 | $0.71 |
Individual Minor customers | $0.51 | $0.35 | $0.86 |
Filtered water ($/kl) | |||
Lithgow Council | $0.90 | $0.56 | $1.46 |
Individual Minor customers | $0.90 | $0.56 | $1.46 |
Pricing as determined by IPART.
Fish River connection charge is $973.63 for low complexity connections where no tapping band or pressure reducing valve is required, $3,691.52 for medium complexity connections where a taping band is required, and $7,547.57 for high complexity connections where a pressure reducing valve is required. Fish River disconnection charge is $274.10.
Access is $ per kL per minimum annual quantity and usage is per kL of water used.
Fish River Minors charges are billed bi-annually in arrears and Fish River Majors charges are billed monthly in arrears. Payment terms for all invoices is 30 days from the date of issue. For more information on our billing terms and conditions, or if you are having difficulties paying your water bill, please refer to Accounts and billing.
Fish River Water Supply Scheme customers – minimum annual quantity (MAQ)
Rural Water Supply Customers | |||
Energy Australia (ML/year) | 8,184 | 0 | |
Minor Customers (kL/year) | 200 | 200 | |
Urban Water Supply Customers (ML/year) | |||
Oberon Council | 1,064 | 0 | |
Lithgow City Council | 100 | 1,678 |
The bulk water charges in the Coastal valleys recover the cost of bulk water services that WaterNSW supplies in regulated rivers to the Fish River (filtered water customers), Hunter, North Coast and South Coast valleys. Consistent with the water services order, these services include:
The activity costs associated with the bulk water charges are described in the IPART Final Decision, IPART Draft Decision and accompanying reports. They include:
Customer support, Customer Billing, Metering & Compliance, Water delivery and Other Operations, Corrective Maintenance, Routing Maintenance, Asset Management Planning, Insurance, Hydrometric monitoring, Flood Operations, Water Quality Monitoring, Dam Safety Compliance, Environmental Planning & Protection, Dam Safety Compliance Capital Projects pre-1997, Asset Management Planning, Routine Maintenance, Structural and Other Enhancement, Corporate Systems, Office Accommodation Capital Projects, Information Management Projects, Drought Projects, Water Delivery and Other Operations.
The regulated charges set out in Schedule 3 of the IPART determination cover rural bulk water services that WaterNSW supplies to Rural Water Supply Customers in the Fish River Water Supply Scheme.
The regulated charges set out in Schedule 4 of the IPART determination cover miscellaneous rural bulk water services that WaterNSW supplies in the MDB Valleys listed in clause 3.1(b) and to rural water supply customers in the Fish River Water Supply Scheme.
MDB charges are subject to the annual review process carried by IPART (typically around April each year) as per Division 3 of Part 6 of the WCIR. This process permits IPART to consider whether or not it is reasonably necessary to make variations to the MDB charges having regard to 1) changes in damned or consumption forecast and 2) price stability. This process also incorporates any annual updates to the MDB charges to account for inflationary adjustments. Please see IPART’s website for information on the annual review process.
2022-23 Regulated river water charges
Entitlement charges are billed per share and usage charges are billed per megalitre extracted.
Border | WaterNSW Charges | $6.92 | $2.53 | $7.39 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.89 | $1.89 | $1.52 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.57 | $0.57 | $0.27 | |
WAMC Border Rivers Commission charges** | $1.37 | $1.37 | $0.65 | |
Rural Border Rivers Commission charges** | $5.09 | $1.86 | $0.90 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $15.84 | $8.22 | $10.73 | |
Gwydir | WaterNSW charges | $18.29 | $4.25 | $18.07 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.28 | $1.28 | $1.33 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.76 | $0.76 | $0.46 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $20.33 | $6.29 | $19.86 | |
Hunter and Paterson | WaterNSW charges | $20.96 | $16.28 | $20.11 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $3.49 | $3.49 | $2.39 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $24.45 | $19.77 | $22.50 | |
Lachlan and Belubula | WaterNSW charges | $26.38 | $3.90 | $32.76 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.20 | $1.20 | $1.90 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.35 | $0.35 | $0.33 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $27.93 | $5.45 | $34.99 | |
Macquarie | WaterNSW charges | $21.21 | $4.14 | $22.74 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.45 | $1.45 | $1.76 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.47 | $0.47 | $0.34 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $23.13 | $6.06 | $24.84 | |
Murray and Lower Darling | WaterNSW charges | $2.38 | $1.04 | $3.08 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.20 | $1.20 | $0.87 | |
Rural Murray Darling Basin Authority charges | $9.08 | $3.99 | $1.94 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.66 | $0.66 | $0.28 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW** | $13.32 | $6.89 | $6.17 | |
Murrumbidgee (excluding Yanco and Colombo Creek users) | WaterNSW charges | $4.38 | $1.50 | $5.22 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.03 | $1.03 | $0.76 | |
Rural Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges | $1.95 | $0.67 | $0.39 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.68 | $0.68 | $0.29 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $8.04 | $3.88 | $6.66 | |
Murrumbidgee (Yanco and Colombo Creek users only) | WaterNSW charges | $4.38 | $1.50 | $5.22 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.03 | $1.03 | $0.76 | |
Rural Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges | $1.95 | $0.67 | $0.39 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.68 | $0.68 | $0.29 | |
Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council (YACTAC) charges# | $0.90 | $0.90 | NA | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $8.94 | $4.78 | $6.66 | |
Lowbidgee ~levied on supplementary licences | WaterNSW charges | NA | $1.81 | NA |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | NA | NA | $0.76 | |
Rural Murray Darling Basin Authority charges | NA | NA | NA | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | NA | NA | $0.29 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | NA | $1.81 | $1.05 | |
Namoi | WaterNSW charges | $30.41 | $10.62 | $32.45 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $2.02 | $2.02 | $1.62 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.86 | $0.86 | $0.41 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $33.29 | $13.50 | $34.48 | |
North Coast | WaterNSW charges | $13.47 | $10.45 | $19.95 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $4.95 | $4.95 | $6.31 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $18.42 | $15.40 | $26.26 | |
Peel | WaterNSW charges | $64.49 | $6.12 | $25.76 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $3.22 | $3.22 | $5.03 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.26 | $0.26 | $0.24 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $67.97 | $9.60 | $31.03 | |
South Coast | WaterNSW charges | $35.27 | $18.50 | $19.76 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $3.87 | $3.87 | $5.80 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $39.14 | $22.37 | $25.56 |
If floodplain harvesting regulation is operational, the below charges will take effect and replace the above charges.
Border | WaterNSW Charges | $6.92 | $2.53 | $7.39 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.89 | $1.89 | $1.19 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.57 | $0.57 | $0.21 | |
WAMC Border Rivers Commission charges** | $1.37 | $1.37 | $0.51 | |
Rural Border Rivers Commission charges** | $5.09 | $1.86 | $0.90 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $15.84 | $8.22 | $10.20 | |
Gwydir | WaterNSW charges | $18.29 | $4.25 | $18.07 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.28 | $1.28 | $0.94 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.76 | $0.76 | $0.33 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $20.33 | $6.29 | $19.34 | |
Macquarie | WaterNSW charges | $21.21 | $4.14 | $22.74 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $1.45 | $1.45 | $1.51 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.47 | $0.47 | $0.29 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $23.13 | $6.06 | $24.54 | |
Namoi | WaterNSW charges | $30.41 | $10.62 | $32.45 |
WAMC charges collected by WaterNSW | $2.02 | $2.02 | $1.23 | |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.86 | $0.86 | $0.32 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $33.29 | $13.50 | $34.00 |
The proportion of voluntary telemetry uptake as at 1 April 2022 and submitted to IPART is 0% - 25%, therefore the following charge applies.
Proportion of voluntary telemetry uptake | Charge |
0% - 25% | $77.00 |
$238.61 |
All prices are $ per megalitre of entitlements and megalitre of usage for the fixed and variable charges.
Charges collected on behalf of WAMC.
These prices are determined by IPART for WAMC costs.
+IPART have set specific fixed and variable charges in relevant river valleys and groundwater sources that are triggered when the floodplain harvesting regulation is operational. In the event these charges are triggered, they will replace the existing fixed and variable charges.
#Yanco Colombo System Levy – an additional charge applies to Yanco Colombo System licences – charged in final quarter invoice based on per ML/unit share of entitlement.
Charges are billed quarterly in arrears, payment terms for all invoices are 30 days from the date of issue. For more information on our billing terms and conditions, or if you are having difficulties paying your water bill, please refer to Accounts and billing.
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority Charges (MDBA) / Border River Commissions (BRC) WAMC pass-through charge is a recovery of NSW Government contribution to MDBA and BRC (fixed and variable) for WAMC. IPART sets the charges to recover the NSW Government’s contribution to funding the MDBA & BRC to undertake activities under the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement and the agreement with the Border Rivers Commission at the amount set by IPART. IPART sets these government charges every four years via a public consultation process. It updates these government charges annually during this period to reflect changes in the consumer price index and changes in demand for WaterNSW’s services.
In previous WAMC determinations, the costs of funding MDBA and BRC activities were bundled with the costs of providing WAMC’s water management services and recovered through water management charges. As a result, according to IPART, these costs were not transparent to water users. To improve transparency and equity, IPART has decided to unbundle these costs and separate MDBA and BRC charges for WAMC. These charges will apply to all water users in NSW’s sections of the Murray-Darling Basin and Border Rivers systems.
These charges will apply to MDBA WAMC customers and BRC WAMC customers as follows:
*MDBA customer means a holder of a Water Licence that authorises the taking of water from:
**BRC customer means a holder of a Water Licence that authorises the taking of water from:
^Please note the minimum annual charge applies in relation to the WAMC charges.
***The Annual scheme management charge is levied on all billable licences.
Nil price for Aboriginal Cultural Licences
Despite anything in this letter, the maximum price for Monopoly Services under the WAMC and WaterNSW Rural Valley Bulk Water Determination in respect of an Aboriginal Cultural Licence is zero. An Aboriginal Cultural Licence means any of the following categories of access licence referred to in schedule 3 of the Water Management Regulation:
(a) regulated river (high security) Aboriginal cultural licence;
(b) unregulated river Aboriginal cultural licence; and
(c) aquifer Aboriginal cultural licence.
WAMC charges are determined by IPART under the IPART Act and the WAMC determination. The reasons are:
The WAMC charges recover the costs of water management and planning activities and services which are declared as government monopoly services under clause 3 of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Water Services) Order 2004. These involve:
(1) the making available of water;
(2) the making available of the Corporation’s water supply facilities; or
(3) the supplying of water, whether by means of the Corporation’s water supply facilities or otherwise, (together, the Monopoly Services).
The activity costs associated with the WAMC charges are described in the IPART Final Decision, IPART Draft Decision and accompanying reports. They include:
Surface water quantity monitoring, Surface water data management and reporting, Surface water quality monitoring, Surface water algal monitoring, Surface water ecological condition monitoring, Groundwater quantity monitoring, Groundwater quality monitoring, Groundwater data management and reporting, Water take data collection, Water take data management and reporting, Surface water modelling, Groundwater modelling, Water resource accounting, Systems operation and water availability management, Blue-green algae management, Environmental water management, Water plan performance assessment and evaluation, Water plan development, Floodplain management plan, Drainage management plan development, Regional planning and management strategies, Development of water planning and regulatory framework, Cross border and national commitments, Water management works, Regulation systems management, Consents management and licence conversion, Compliance management, Water consents overhead, Water consents transactions, Customer management, Business governance and support, Billing management.
These services are currently delivered by DPE, NRAR and WaterNSW on behalf of WAMC. For more information, please refer to the IPART website.
The maximum annual price that WAMC may charge for the Monopoly Services provided in respect of a water licence, which applies only for WAMC charges, is the sum of:
(d) the higher of:
(1) the minimum annual charge; and
(2) where the licence holder has a meter: the sum of the following (2-part tariff):
(A) an entitlement charge calculated in accordance with the WAMC determination; and
(B) the usage charge calculated in accordance with the WAMC determination;
(3) where the Licence Holder does not have a Meter: the entitlement charge (1 Part tariff) calculated in accordance
with the WAMC determination; and
(4) where the licence holder does not have a meter and does not have a mechanism for extracting water: nil; and
(e) for an MDBA customer, the applicable MDBA entitlement charge and MDBA usage charge for the relevant water
source and relevant year; and
(f) for a BRC customer, the applicable BRC entitlement charge and BRC usage charge for the relevant water source
and relevant year.
The fee for service charges (consent transaction charges, water take assessment charge, old meter service charge and the new metering charge (new meter service charge, scheme management charge, telemetry non/telemetry charge, and exit fee, and ancillary charges) are levied in addition to the fixed and variable charges (and the MAC) contained in this letter are not used to calculate the MAC threshold.
The maximum annual price that may be levied by WAMC for the Monopoly Services provided in respect of a Supplementary Water Access Licence or a Floodplain Harvesting Access Licence that authorises the taking of water from a regulated river is the sum of:
(a) the higher of:
(1) the minimum annual charge; and
(2) the usage charge calculated in accordance with the WAMC determination;
(b) for an MDBA customer, the applicable MDBA usage charge for the relevant water
source and relevant year; and
(c) for a BRC customer, the applicable BRC usage charge for the relevant water source
and relevant year.
The maximum annual price that may be levied by WAMC for the Monopoly Services provided in respect of a Major Utility (Barnard) Access Licence that authorises the taking of water from a Regulated River is:
(d) the minimum annual charge.
MDB Charges – Bulk Water Determination
MDB charges are determined by IPART every 3-4 years under Part 6 of the Water Charge Rules. The reasons are:
The accreditation was subject to the two mandatory conditions and attached the ACCC’s pricing principles for price approvals and determinations under the WCIR, dated July 2011 (the ACCC Pricing Principles). The mandatory conditions include:
b) that the applied provisions apply as a law of the State and are in force;
c) that the approval or determination of regulated charges of all Part 6 operators and Part 7 operators relating to
State water resources of that State must be carried out by the accredited agency in accordance with the accredited arrangements and the applied provisions. Please note: the applied provisions refer to the WCIR.
The MDB current pricing arrangements have been determined by IPART under the 2021 Rural Valley IPART determination. These arrangements last until 2025 at which point, they will be reviewed by IPART. For further information on the 2021 Rural Valley Price Review, please visit IPART’s website.
Under the IPART 2021 Rural Valley determination, IPART has determined the regulated charges set out in Schedules 1, 3 and 4 of the IPART determination under the WCIR. These regulated charges are the maximum amounts that WaterNSW may charge.
The Bulk Water Charges in the MDB recover the cost of MDB Bulk Water Services that WaterNSW supplies in regulated rivers to the following MDB valleys:
(1) Border (2) Gwydir (3) Namoi (4) Peel (5) Lachlan (6) Macquarie (7) Murray (8) Murrumbidgee (9) Lowbidgee.
The bulk water charges in the Coastal valleys recover the cost of bulk water services that WaterNSW supplies in regulated rivers to the Fish River (filtered water customers), Hunter, North Coast and South Coast valleys. Consistent with the water services order, these services include:
(1) the making available of water;
(2) the making available of the State Water Corporation’s water supply facilities; or
(3) the supplying of water, whether by means of the State Water Corporation’s water supply facilities or otherwise, (together, Monopoly Services). References to the former State Water Corporation in the Water Services Order are to be read as references to WaterNSW, in accordance with clause 24 of Schedule 2 of the Water NSW Act 2014 (Water NSW Act).
The activity costs associated with the bulk water charges are described in the IPART Final Decision, IPART Draft Decision and accompanying reports. They include:
Customer support, Customer Billing, Metering & Compliance, Water delivery and Other Operations, Corrective Maintenance, Routing Maintenance, Asset Management Planning, Insurance, Hydrometric monitoring, Flood Operations, Water Quality Monitoring, Dam Safety Compliance, Environmental Planning & Protection, Dam Safety Compliance Capital Projects pre-1997, Asset Management Planning, Routine Maintenance, Structural and Other Enhancement, Corporate Systems, Office Accommodation Capital Projects, Information Management Projects, Drought Projects, Water Delivery and Other Operations.
The regulated charges set out in Schedule 3 of the IPART determination cover rural bulk water services that WaterNSW supplies to Rural Water Supply Customers in the Fish River Water Supply Scheme.
The regulated charges set out in Schedule 4 of the IPART determination cover miscellaneous rural bulk water services that WaterNSW supplies in the MDB Valleys listed in clause 3.1(b) and to rural water supply customers in the Fish River Water Supply Scheme.
MDB charges are subject to the annual review process carried by IPART (typically around April each year) as per Division 3 of Part 6 of the WCIR. This process permits IPART to consider whether or not it is reasonably necessary to make variations to the MDB charges having regard to 1) changes in damned or consumption forecast and 2) price stability. This process also incorporates any annual updates to the MDB charges to account for inflationary adjustments. Please see IPART’s website at ipart.nsw.gov.au for information on the annual review process.
Coastal valley charges – Bulk Water Determination
The maximum prices set out in Schedule 2 of the IPART determination are set under the IPART Act and cover Coastal bulk water services that WaterNSW supplies in regulated rivers in the following Coastal valleys:
(1) North Coast (2) Hunter (3) South Coast.
The maximum prices set out in Schedule 3 of the IPART determination cover IPART Act Services that WaterNSW supplies to urban water supply customers in the Fish River Water Supply Scheme.
The reason why Coastal valley and urban water supply services in the Fish River and determined under the IPART Act is because section 11 of the IPART Act provides IPART with a standing reference to conduct investigations and make reports to the Minister on the determination of the pricing for a government monopoly service that is supplied by a government agency specified in Schedule 1 to the IPART Act. WAMC is a government agency specified in Schedule 1 of the IPART Act.
WaterNSW is listed as a government agency in Schedule 1 to the IPART Act, but excluding the services provided by WaterNSW in respect of which fees or charges may be approved or determined in accordance with Parts 6 or 7 of the WCIR, or the applied provisions under Part 3B of the IPART Act.
Section 4(1) of the IPART Act provides that a government monopoly service is a service supplied by a government agency and declared to be a government monopoly service. Section 4(7) of the IPART Act provides that WaterNSW is taken to be the supplier of any government monopoly services for which fees and charges are payable under the Water NSW Act.
The water services order declares certain services provided by the ‘State Water Corporation’ to be government monopoly services, namely:
(1) the making available of water;
(2) the making available of the State Water Corporation’s water supply facilities; or
(3) the supplying of water, whether by means of the State Water Corporation’s water supply facilities or otherwise, (together, Monopoly Services). References to the former State Water Corporation in the Water Services Order are to be read as references to WaterNSW, in accordance with clause 24 of Schedule 2 of the Water NSW Act.
Accordingly, under the IPART Act, IPART is to conduct an investigation and make a report to the Minister that determines maximum prices for Monopoly Services supplied by WaterNSW for which fees and charges may not be determined under the WCIR (IPART Act Services).
WaterNSW sets its charges to recover WAMC charges at the amount set by IPART. IPART sets these charges every four years via a public consultation process. It updates these charges annually during this period to reflect changes in the consumer price index and changes in demand for WaterNSW’s services.
The Yanco Creek levy was approved by IPART as a pass-through levy to recover the cost associated with the Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council.
The Yanco Creek natural resources management levy was first approved by IPART in its 2006 review of bulk water charges and was approved again in the 2010 IPART price review, 2014 ACCC price review and the 2017 IPART price review and the 2021 IPART Price review.
WaterNSW understands that the levy is intended to fund the rehabilitation plan of the Yanco Columbo system to improve flows and provide significant water efficiencies for the system and the Murrumbidgee valley.
This levy is passed on directly to customers in the Yanco Creek system. The Yanco Creek levy was approved by IPART as a pass-through levy to recover the cost associated with the Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council.
The Yanco Creek natural resources management levy was first approved by IPART in its 2006 review of bulk water charges and was approved again in the 2010 IPART price review, 2014 ACCC price review and the 2017 IPART price review.
WaterNSW understands that the levy is intended to fund the rehabilitation plan of the Yanco Columbo system to improve flows and provide significant water efficiencies for the system and the Murrumbidgee valley.
This levy is passed on directly to customers in the Yanco Creek system.
The maximum prices in the IPART Determinations do not include GST. For the avoidance of doubt, where GST is lawfully applied to the maximum prices set out in the IPART determinations, the resulting GST inclusive price is consistent with the determination and in this event, WaterNSW would levy additional price component for GST consistent with the determination during the financial year.
The metering service charge (MSC) is calculated and invoiced annually in arrears. You will receive a separate WaterNSW invoice for your metering charges as they are calculated based on your work approval while your entitlement/usage charge is based on your water access licence.
Call our Customer Service Centre on 1300 662 077, if you have a concern regarding the accuracy of the meter. If you elect to have your meter tested, a deposit of $1,750.00 is payable and payment is required prior to testing. If the meter is found to be inaccurate, your deposit will be refunded in full. However, if the meter is found to be within accuracy standards then the total meter accuracy testing charge will be invoiced.
Note, the meter laboratory verification charge at request of customer is $7,355.98 and $4,915.82 for meter in-situ validation charge – where a meter is relocated or disturbed.
The below table represents current government-owned MSC. Once a government-owned meter becomes compliant under the reform, the annual government-owned MSC comes into effect based of the compliance date associated with the meter.
50mm | $505.70 |
80mm | $508.05 |
100mm | $508.04 |
150mm | $514.01 |
200mm | $516.97 |
250mm | $519.70 |
300mm | $526.76 |
350mm | $558.49 |
400mm | $577.39 |
450mm | $581.02 |
500mm | $596.51 |
600mm | $616.34 |
700mm | $639.90 |
750mm | $672.90 |
800mm | $695.20 |
900mm | $702.27 |
1000mm | $715.31 |
Channel | $6,627.66 |
The below table represents the government-owned MSC once a government-owned meter becomes compliant under the NSW Government’s non-urban metering reform. The list of rollout dates is available here.
Operating costs (non channel meter) | $944.69 |
Operating costs (channel meter) | $6,627.65 |
Capital costs | $0 |
The charge structure will move from the existing charge structure of metering service charge by meter size to a flat fee structure by operating costs (opex) and capital costs (capex) metering service charge. Metering charges are calculated annually in arrears.
The new MSC will be triggered as follows:
Meter is defined as:
(a) a Government-owned meter;
(b) an Approved Meter Equivalent; Approved Meter Equivalent means an apparatus or a methodology for the quantification of the volume of water used or to be used from Unregulated Rivers or Groundwater by reference to factors other than direct measurement of water used, that is approved by WAMC or the Minister
(c) where a Licence Holder has a single off-take point from Unregulated Rivers or Groundwater, the User Meter installed on or near that off-take point; and
(d) where a Licence Holder has multiple off-take points from Unregulated Rivers or Groundwater and has a User Meter on all off-take points, each of the User Meters installed on or near those off-take points.
Coleambally Irrigation | $267,536.25 |
Eagle Creek Scheme | $6,945.01 |
Jemalong Irrigation | $59,223.85 |
Moira Irrigation Scheme | $19,401.46 |
Murray Irrigation | $735,204.98 |
Murrumbidgee Irrigation | $624,258.27 |
West Corurgan | $36,766.08 |
Western Murray | $18,573.27 |
The rebates are paid annually to irrigation corporation districts (ICDs) in the form of rebates as set by IPART, with the value of the rebates collected from other users in accordance with the IPART determination.
2022-23 Groundwater management prices
All charges apply from this date until otherwise specified. Entitlement charges are billed per share and usage charges are billed per megalitre extracted.
Valley/river | Details | Entitlement charge (A) | Entitlement charge (B) | Usage (C) |
Inland | WAMC charges | $6.27 | $3.92 | $2.35 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.27 | $0.20 | $0.07 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $6.54 | $4.12 | $2.42 | |
Murrumbidgee | WAMC charges | $5.16 | $3.23 | $1.93 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.27 | $0.20 | $0.07 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $5.43 | $3.43 | $2.00 | |
Coastal | WAMC charges | $5.63 | $1.93 | $3.70 |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $5.63 | $1.93 | $3.70 |
The below charges are relevant for the four water sources listed within Inland/Border Rivers.
Water source | Details | Entitlement charge (A) | Entitlement charge (B) | Usage (C) |
Macintyre Alluvial Groundwater Source NSW Border Rivers Upstream Keetah Bridge Alluvial Groundwater Source NSW Border Rivers Downstream Keetah Bridge Alluvial Groundwater Source Ottleys Creek Alluvial Groundwater Source | WAMC charges | $6.27 | $3.92 | $2.35 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.27 | $0.20 | $0.07 | |
WAMC Border River Commission charges** | $0.45 | $0.32 | $0.14 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $6.99 | $4.44 | $2.56 |
The proportion of voluntary telemetry uptake as at 1 April 2022 and submitted to IPART is 0% - 25%, therefore the following charge applies.
Proportion of voluntary telemetry uptake | Charge | |
0% - 25% | $77.00 |
$238.61 |
All prices are $ per megalitre of entitlements and megalitre of usage for the fixed and variable charges.
Charges collected on behalf of WAMC.
These prices are determined by IPART for WAMC costs.
Charges are billed annually in arrears, payment terms for all invoices are 30 days from the date of issue. For more information on our billing terms and conditions, or if you are having difficulties paying your water bill, please refer to Accounts and billing.
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority Charges (MDBA) / Border River Commissions (BRC) WAMC pass-through charge is a recovery of NSW Government contribution to MDBA and BRC (fixed and variable) for WAMC. IPART sets the charges to recover the NSW Government’s contribution to funding the MDBA & BRC to undertake activities under the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement and the agreement with the Border Rivers Commission at the amount set by IPART. IPART sets these government charges every four years via a public consultation process. It updates these government charges annually during this period to reflect changes in the consumer price index and changes in demand for WaterNSW’s services.
In previous WAMC determinations, the costs of funding MDBA and BRC activities were bundled with the costs of providing WAMC’s water management services and recovered through water management charges. As a result, according to IPART, these costs were not transparent to water users. To improve transparency and equity, IPART has decided to unbundle these costs and separate MDBA and BRC charges for WAMC. These charges will apply to all water users in NSW’s sections of the Murray-Darling Basin and Border Rivers systems.
These charges will apply to MDBA WAMC customers and BRC WAMC customers as follows:
*MDBA customer means a holder of a Water Licence that authorises the taking of water from:
**BRC customer means a holder of a Water Licence that authorises the taking of water from:
^Please note the minimum annual charge applies in relation to the WAMC charges.
The maximum annual charge that WAMC may levy for the Monopoly Services provided under a Salinity and Water Table Management Access Licence that authorises is the minimum annual charge.
****The Annual scheme management charge is levied on all billable licences.
Nil price for Aboriginal Cultural Licences
Despite anything in this letter, the maximum price for Monopoly Services under the WAMC and WaterNSW Rural Valley Bulk Water Determination in respect of an Aboriginal Cultural Licence is zero. An Aboriginal Cultural Licence means any of the following categories of access licence referred to in schedule 3 of the Water Management Regulation:
(a) regulated river (high security) Aboriginal cultural licence;
(b) unregulated river Aboriginal cultural licence; and
(c) aquifer Aboriginal cultural licence.
WAMC charges are determined by IPART under the IPART Act and the WAMC determination. The reasons are:
The WAMC charges recover the costs of water management and planning activities and services which are declared as government monopoly services under clause 3 of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Water Services) Order 2004. These involve:
In addition, WAMC charges recover the costs of the supply of services for which fees and charges are payable under Chapter 3 of the Water Management Act. In practice, charges for such water resource management activities are made as charges under licences, permits, approvals or authorities granted by:
The maximum prices in the IPART Determinations do not include GST. For the avoidance of doubt, where GST is lawfully applied to the maximum prices set out in the IPART determinations, the resulting GST inclusive price is consistent with the determination and in this event, WaterNSW would levy additional price component for GST consistent with the determination during the financial year.
The activity costs associated with the WAMC charges are described in the IPART Final Decision, IPART Draft Decision and accompanying reports. They include:
Surface water quantity monitoring, Surface water data management and reporting, Surface water quality monitoring, Surface water algal monitoring, Surface water ecological condition monitoring, Groundwater quantity monitoring, Groundwater quality monitoring, Groundwater data management and reporting, Water take data collection, Water take data management and reporting, Surface water modelling, Groundwater modelling, Water resource accounting, Systems operation and water availability management, Blue-green algae management, Environmental water management, Water plan performance assessment and evaluation, Water plan development, Floodplain management plan, Drainage management plan development, Regional planning and management strategies, Development of water planning and regulatory framework, Cross border and national commitments, Water management works, Regulation systems management, Consents management and licence conversion, Compliance management, Water consents overhead, Water consents transactions, Customer management, Business governance and support, Billing management.
These services are currently delivered by DPE, NRAR and WaterNSW on behalf of WAMC. For more information, please refer to the IPART website.
The maximum annual price that WAMC may charge for the Monopoly Services provided in respect of a water licence, which applies only for WAMC charges, is the sum of:
(a) the higher of:
(1) the minimum annual charge; and
(2) where the licence holder has a meter: the sum of the following (2-part tariff):
(A) an entitlement charge calculated in accordance with the WAMC determination; and
(B) the usage charge calculated in accordance with the WAMC determination;
(3) where the licence holder does not have a meter: the entitlement charge (1-part tariff) calculated in accordance with the WAMC determination; and
(4) where the licence holder does not have a meter and does not have a mechanism for extracting water: nil; and
(b) for an MDBA customer, the applicable MDBA entitlement charge and MDBA usage charge for the relevant water source and relevant year; and
(c) for a BRC customer, the applicable BRC entitlement charge and BRC usage charge for the relevant water source and relevant year.
The metering service charge (MSC) is calculated and invoiced annually in arrears. You will receive a separate WaterNSW invoice for your metering charges as they are calculated based on your work approval while your entitlement/usage charge is based on your water access licence.
Call our Customer Service Centre on 1300 662 077, if you have a concern regarding the accuracy of the meter. If you elect to have your meter tested, a deposit of $1,859.48 is payable and payment is required prior to testing. If the meter is found to be inaccurate, your deposit will be refunded in full. However, if the meter is found to be within accuracy standards then the total meter accuracy testing charge will be invoiced.
Note, the meter laboratory verification charge at request of customer is $7,355.98 and $4,915.82 for meter in-situ validation charge – where a meter is relocated or disturbed. The meter reset fee after suspension of maintenance for a year or more is $272.53 plus cost of parts.
The below table represents the government-owned MSC once a government-owned meter becomes compliant under the NSW Government’s non-urban metering reform. The list of rollout dates is available here.
Operating costs | $944.69 |
Capital costs | $0 |
Exit fee | $0 |
Annual charge | $220.04 |
The below table represents current government-owned MSC. Once a government-owned meter becomes compliant under the NSW Government’s non-urban metering reform, the annual government-owned MSC comes into effect based on the compliance date associated with the meter.
50-300 mm | $546.49 |
350-700 mm | $567.84 |
750-1000 mm | $617.32 |
The below table represents current government-owned MSC. Once a government-owned meter becomes compliant under the NSW Government’s non-urban metering reform, the annual government-owned MSC comes into effect based on the compliance date associated with the meter.
50-300 mm | $428.71 |
350-700 mm | $445.47 |
750-1000 mm | $484.28 |
The charge structure will move from the existing charge structure of metering service charge by meter size to a flat fee structure by operating costs (opex) and capital costs (capex) metering service charge.
Metering charges are calculated annually in arrears.
The new MSC will be triggered as follows:
2022-23 Unregulated river management prices
All charges apply from this date until otherwise specified. Entitlement charges are billed per share and usage charges are billed per megalitre extracted.
Valley/river | Details | Entitlement charge (A) | Entitlement charge (B) | Usage (C) |
Border | WAMC charges | $4.68 | $0.83 | $3.85 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.36 | $0.09 | $0.26 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $5.04 | $0.92 | $4.11 | |
Far West | WAMC charges | $5.37 | $3.09 | $2.28 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $1.19 | $0.83 | $0.36 | |
WAMC Border River Commission Charges** | $1.94 | $1.36 | $0.59 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $8.50 | $5.28 | $3.23 | |
Gwydir | WAMC charges | $4.68 | $0.83 | $3.85 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.36 | $0.09 | $0.26 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $5.04 | $0.92 | $4.11 | |
Hunter & Patterson | WAMC charges | $3.83 | $1.37 | $2.46 |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $3.83 | $1.37 | $2.46 | |
Lachlan | WAMC charges | $5.95 | $2.08 | $3.87 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.28 | $0.14 | $0.15 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $6.23 | $2.22 | $4.02 | |
Macquarie | WAMC charges | $5.95 | $2.08 | $3.87 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.28 | $0.14 | $0.15 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $6.23 | $2.22 | $4.02 | |
Murray | WAMC charges | $7.36 | $1.74 | $5.61 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.48 | $0.17 | $0.32 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $7.84 | $1.91 | $5.93 | |
Murrumbidgee | WAMC charges | $9.90 | $3.05 | $6.85 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.29 | $0.13 | $0.17 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $10.19 | $3.18 | $7.02 | |
Namoi | WAMC charges | $4.68 | $0.83 | $3.85 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.36 | $0.09 | $0.26 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $5.04 | $0.92 | $4.11 | |
North Coast | WAMC charges | $10.63 | $4.73 | $5.90 |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $10.63 | $4.73 | $5.90 | |
Peel | WAMC charges | $4.68 | $0.83 | $3.85 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.36 | $0.09 | $0.26 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $5.04 | $0.92 | $4.11 | |
South Coast*** | WAMC charges | $2.90 | $1.66 | $1.24 |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $2.90 | $1.66 | $1.24 |
If floodplain harvesting regulation is operational, the below charges will take effect and replace the previous charges.
Valley/river | Details | Entitlement charge (A) | Entitlement charge (B) | Usage (C) |
Border | WAMC charges | $3.64 | $1.52 | $2.11 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.28 | $0.16 | $0.13 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $3.92 | $1.68 | $2.24 | |
Far West | WAMC charges | $5.13 | $3.16 | $1.97 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $1.16 | $0.85 | $0.30 | |
WAMC Border River Commission Charges** | $1.88 | $1.38 | $0.50 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $8.17 | $5.39 | $2.77 | |
Gwydir | WAMC charges | $3.64 | $1.52 | $2.11 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.28 | $0.16 | $0.13 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $3.92 | $1.68 | $2.24 | |
Namoi | WAMC charges | $3.64 | $1.52 | $2.11 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.28 | $0.16 | $0.13 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $3.92 | $1.68 | $2.24 | |
Peel | WAMC charges | $3.64 | $1.52 | $2.11 |
WAMC Murray-Darling Basin Authority charges* | $0.28 | $0.16 | $0.13 | |
Total charges collected by WaterNSW | $3.92 | $1.68 | $2.24 |
Proportion of voluntary telemetry uptake | Charge | |
0% - 25% | $77.00 |
$238.61 |
All prices are $ per megalitre of entitlements and megalitre of usage for the fixed and variable charges.
Charges collected on behalf of WAMC.
These prices are determined by IPART for WAMC costs.
^Please note the minimum annual charge applies in relation to the WAMC charges.
+IPART have set specific fixed and variable charges in relevant river valleys and groundwater sources that are triggered when the floodplain harvesting regulation is operational. In the event these charges are triggered, they will replace the existing fixed and variable (1-part and 2-part tariff) charges.
***WaterNSW licences in South Coast unregulated rivers attract an additional entitlement charge of $0.43 per ML.
Charges are billed annually in arrears, payment terms for all invoices are 30 days from the date of issue. For more information on our billing terms and conditions, or if you are having difficulties paying your water bill, please refer to Accounts and billing.
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority Charges (MDBA) / Border River Commissions (BRC) WAMC pass-through charge is a recovery of NSW Government contribution to MDBA and BRC (fixed and variable) for WAMC. IPART sets the charges to recover the NSW Government’s contribution to funding the MDBA & BRC to undertake activities under the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement and the agreement with the Border Rivers Commission at the amount set by IPART. IPART sets these government charges every four years via a public consultation process. It updates these government charges annually during this period to reflect changes in the consumer price index and changes in demand for WaterNSW’s services.
In previous WAMC determinations, the costs of funding MDBA and BRC activities were bundled with the costs of providing WAMC’s water management services and recovered through water management charges. As a result, according to IPART, these costs were not transparent to water users. To improve transparency and equity, IPART has decided to unbundle these costs and separate MDBA and BRC charges for WAMC. These charges will apply to all water users in NSW’s sections of the Murray-Darling Basin and Border Rivers systems.
These charges will apply to MDBA WAMC customers and BRC WAMC customers as follows:
*MDBA customer means a holder of a Water Licence that authorises the taking of water from:
**BRC customer means a holder of a Water Licence that authorises the taking of water from:
****The Annual scheme management charge is levied on all billable licences.
Nil price for Aboriginal Cultural Licences
Despite anything in this letter, the maximum price for Monopoly Services under the WAMC and WaterNSW Rural Valley Bulk Water Determination in respect of an Aboriginal Cultural Licence is zero. An Aboriginal Cultural Licence means any of the following categories of access licence referred to in schedule 3 of the Water Management Regulation:
(a) regulated river (high security) Aboriginal cultural licence;
(b) unregulated river Aboriginal cultural licence; and
(c) aquifer Aboriginal cultural licence.
WAMC charges are determined by IPART under the IPART Act and the WAMC determination. The reasons are:
The WAMC charges recover the costs of water management and planning activities and services which are declared as government monopoly services under clause 3 of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Water Services) Order 2004. These involve:
In addition, WAMC charges recover the costs of the supply of services for which fees and charges are payable under Chapter 3 of the Water Management Act. In practice, charges for such water resource management activities are made as charges under licences, permits, approvals or authorities granted by:
The maximum prices in the IPART Determinations do not include GST. For the avoidance of doubt, where GST is lawfully applied to the maximum prices set out in the IPART determinations, the resulting GST inclusive price is consistent with the determination and in this event, WaterNSW would levy additional price component for GST consistent with the determination during the financial year.
The activity costs associated with the WAMC charges are described in the IPART Final Decision, IPART Draft Decision and accompanying reports. They include:
Surface water quantity monitoring, Surface water data management and reporting, Surface water quality monitoring, Surface water algal monitoring, Surface water ecological condition monitoring, Groundwater quantity monitoring, Groundwater quality monitoring, Groundwater data management and reporting, Water take data collection, Water take data management and reporting, Surface water modelling, Groundwater modelling, Water resource accounting, Systems operation and water availability management, Blue-green algae management, Environmental water management, Water plan performance assessment and evaluation, Water plan development, Floodplain management plan, Drainage management plan development, Regional planning and management strategies, Development of water planning and regulatory framework, Cross border and national commitments, Water management works, Regulation systems management, Consents management and licence conversion, Compliance management, Water consents overhead, Water consents transactions, Customer management, Business governance and support, Billing management.
These services are currently delivered by DPE, NRAR and WaterNSW on behalf of WAMC. For more information, please refer to the IPART website.
The maximum annual price that WAMC may charge for the Monopoly Services provided in respect of a water licence, which applies only for WAMC charges, is the sum of:
(a) the higher of:
(1) the minimum annual charge; and
(2) where the licence holder has a meter: the sum of the following (2-part tariff):
(A) an entitlement charge calculated in accordance with the WAMC determination; and
(B) the usage charge calculated in accordance with the WAMC determination;
(3) where the licence holder does not have a meter: the entitlement charge (1-part tariff) calculated in accordance with the WAMC determination; and
(4) where the licence holder does not have a meter and does not have a mechanism for extracting water: nil; and
(b) for an MDBA customer, the applicable MDBA entitlement charge and MDBA usage charge for the relevant water source and relevant year; and
(c) for a BRC customer, the applicable BRC entitlement charge and BRC usage charge for the relevant water source and relevant year.
The metering service charge (MSC) is calculated and invoiced annually in arrears. You will receive a separate WaterNSW invoice for your metering charges as they are calculated based on your work approval while your entitlement/usage charge is based on your water access licence.
Call our Customer Service Centre on 1300 662 077, if you have a concern regarding the accuracy of the meter. If you elect to have your meter tested, a deposit of $1,859.48 is payable and payment is required prior to testing. If the meter is found to be inaccurate, your deposit will be refunded in full. However, if the meter is found to be within accuracy standards then the total meter accuracy testing charge will be invoiced.
Note, the meter laboratory verification charge at request of customer is $7,355.98 and $4,915.82 for meter in-situ validation charge – where a meter is relocated or disturbed. The meter reset fee after suspension of maintenance for a year or more is $272.53 plus cost of parts.
The below table represents the government-owned MSC once a government-owned meter becomes compliant under the NSW Government’s non-urban metering reform. The list of rollout dates is available here.
Operating costs | $944.69 |
Capital costs | $0 |
Exit fee | $0 |
Annual charge | $220.04 |
The below table represents current government-owned MSC. Once a government-owned meter becomes compliant under the NSW Government’s non-urban metering reform, the annual government-owned MSC comes into effect based on the compliance date associated with the meter.
50-300 mm | $546.49 |
350-700 mm | $567.84 |
750-1000 mm | $617.32 |
The below table represents current government-owned MSC. Once a government-owned meter becomes compliant under the NSW Government’s non-urban metering reform, the annual government-owned MSC comes into effect based on the compliance date associated with the meter.
50-300 mm | $428.71 |
350-700 mm | $445.47 |
750-1000 mm | $484.28 |
The charge structure will move from the existing charge structure of metering service charge by meter size to a flat fee structure by operating costs (opex) and capital costs (capex) metering service charge. Metering charges are calculated annually in arrears.
The new MSC will be triggered as follows:
2022-23 Telemetry and non-telemetry service charge
The telemetry and non-telemetry service charge applies to both government-owned and privately-owned meters.
The NSW Government will provide a rebate of $975 to all privately-owned meters when a working telemetry device is installed. This will offset the telemetry service charge until the rebate is exhausted.
The proportion of voluntary telemetry uptake as at 1 April 2022 and submitted to IPART is 0% - 25%, therefore the following charge applies.
0% - 25% | $238.04 | $238.04 |
Did you know? If you install telemetry on your local intelligence device (LID), your annual telemetry service charge listed above will be automatically credited on your WaterNSW bill each year until you reach the total rebate amount of $975 – just over four years.
The rebate is not available to water users with a government-owned meter.
For more information on metering and the telemetry rebate, visit Non-urban metering.
2022-23 Application fees for water access licences, dealings and approvals
New water access licences | |
Zero Share | $752.90 |
Controlled allocation | $732.49 |
Specific purpose – groundwater assessment required | $3,439.59 |
Specific purpose – no groundwater assessment required | $763.96 |
Water access licence dealings | |
Dealings – unregulated and groundwater (except low risk and administrative) - groundwater assessment required | $5,221.62 |
Dealings – unregulated and groundwater (except low risk and administrative) - groundwater assessment not required | $2,545.99 |
Dealings – unregulated and groundwater with low risk | $1,153.69 |
Dealings – unregulated and groundwater admin | $509.61 |
Dealings - regulated rivers | $796.85 |
Water allocation assignments | |
Regulated applications | $52.47 |
Unregulated and groundwater applications | $53.13 |
Approvals | |
New or amended works and/ or use approvals (All unless specified below as low risk, basic landholder rights or administrative) - groundwater assessments required | $7,403.75 |
New or amended works and/ or use approvals (All unless specified below as low risk, basic landholder rights or administrative) - groundwater assessments not required | $4,728.11 |
New or amended works and/ or use approvals low risk - groundwater assessments required | $5,237.46 |
New or amended works and/ or use approvals low risk - groundwater assessments not required | $2,561.83 |
New basic landholder right bore - groundwater assessment required | $1,090.14 |
New basic landholder right bore - groundwater assessment not required | $938.83 |
Amended approval administrative - groundwater assessments required | $3,239.43 |
Amended approval administrative - groundwater assessments not required This applies to:
| $563.80 |
Extension of approval – lodged before expiry date | $542.28 |
Extension of approval – lodged after expiry date | $1,002.25 |
These fees are determined by IPART.
WaterNSW collects the groundwater assessment fee on behalf of the Department of Planning and Environment-Water (DPE - Water). DPE -Water hydrogeologists are responsible for undertaking the groundwater assessment, when required.
WaterNSW charges fees to cover the assessment and processing costs of applications for access licences, water supply work approvals, water use approvals and access licence dealings lodged under the Water Management Act 2000.
These fees will increase annually, based on changes in the consumer price index. Fees are exempt from GST.
A ‘new’ work approval means any work proposed which is not currently listed on a water approval or is replacing an existing work which is listed on a water approval.
Consent Transactions in relation to Monopoly Services provided by WAMC.
Consent transaction in relation to drillers licences, floodwork approvals, and solicitor enquiries and special meter reads are not disclosed, as they have not been regulated by IPART and are deemed to be unregulated services.
Impact and rules-based assessments:
Applications generally require a detailed impact assessment. This includes case by case investigation to consider potential local impacts and determine whether those impacts require refusal or consent, or consent subject to conditions.
Depending on the type of transaction, impact assessment can include identifying and addressing impacts on adjoining pumps or bores, Aboriginal heritage sites, native vegetation, threatened species, wetlands, land degradation, salinity, soil compaction, geomorphic instability, hydrology, water logging, acidity, contamination and water quality, in addition to consideration and resolution of any lodged objections. In some cases where significant risks are identified, WaterNSW may require the applicant to commission third-party experts to determine the extent of those risks and how they might be mitigated.
Applications determined by IPART which are identified as ‘low risk’ are processed with a rules-based assessment which does not require the above detailed impact assessment.
Lower fees are charged for transactions which are identified as ‘low risk’.
WAMC charges are determined by IPART under the IPART Act and the WAMC determination. The reasons are:
Find out more about one-part and two-part tariffs
The water management charges for your unregulated river or groundwater licence can be billed under a one or two-part tariff. This billing structure might act as an incentive for customers to have their water take metered or assessed.
If you are billed under the one-part tariff, the entitlement charge is applied to your licence volumetric ML entitlement or unit shares.
Under the two-part tariff your water take is metered or assessed and you are billed for:
Regulated river licence holders are all required to meter their water usage and are billed under the two-part tariff.
Metering your water take is the best way to determine how much water you used during the billing period and provide WaterNSW with evidence of your water use. Metering your water take will also provide you with accurate, real time information you can use to improve your water efficiency and achieve cost savings.
WaterNSW acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waters on which we work and pay our respects to all elders past, present and emerging. Learn more