Lake Brewster flood recovery works


WaterNSW is planning permanent repair works to sections of Lake Brewster to restore the storage capacity of the lake, and ensure reliability of water storage and supply to Lachlan River customers. This follows recently completed emergency works, in response to major flood damage.

February 2025 update

Emergency works to repair flood damage to the Lake Brewster levee and inflow channel have been completed.

The works addressed major damage to the earth embankments, including washouts and erosion caused by waves and water moving over the embankment wall during major floods in late 2022.

All operational restrictions have now been removed, allowing Lake Brewster weir and inflow channel to operate at full capacity and the Lake Brewster storage level to return to 100%. This helps to ensure the reliability of water storage and supply to Lachlan River customers.

Planning for permanent repair works to sections of Lake Brewster is now underway, with work expected to commence in mid-2025, weather permitting.

September 2024 update

The emergency works to repair the Brewster levee commenced in August and are progressing well. The works include geotechnical surveys, excavation, removal of vegetation and the placing of additional local clay and rock protection which will contribute to overall precautionary flood mitigation measures.

This emergency work is expected to be completed by the end of October 2024, weather permitting.

In the coming weeks, work will also commence on the syphon and bridge embankments, which will allow heavy vehicle access.

Planning for permanent repair works to sections of Lake Brewster is underway. Permanent works are expected to commence in early 2025 and will restore the storage capacity of the lake to ensure reliability of water storage and supply to Lachlan River customers.

A flood-damaged washout site at Lake Brewster.

A repaired washout site at Lake Brewster

August 2024 update

Damage to Lake Brewster and the infrastructure around the lake occurred during the extensive Lachlan Valley flood event in late 2022. Significant damage was sustained to the weir pool levees, inlet channel, and lake embankments.

Emergency repairs by WaterNSW in 2023 and 2024 restored much of the infrastructure’s operational function.  Constraints remain on flow capacity of the Brewster Weir pool, Lake Brewster inlet channel flow and Lake Brewster storage capacity and require further works to resolve.

Further emergency repair works to repair the Brewster levee have been accelerated and commenced earlier this week. These works include removal of vegetation and the placing of additional rockwork which will contribute to overall precautionary flood mitigation measures. This work is expected to be completed by the end of October 2024, weather permitting.

Planning for permanent repair works to sections of Lake Brewster is well underway. These permanent works are expected to commence in early 2025 and will restore the storage capacity of the lake, and ensure reliability of water storage and supply to Lachlan River customers.

More information will be shared with customers and the community as planning progresses.

Lake Brewster

At full capacity, Lake Brewster holds about 153,000 mega litres of water and covers about 6100 hectares. It is used to provide water storage to Lachlan Valley customers and mitigate flooding impacts by holding water that would otherwise flow to the lower Lachlan Valley.

Lake Brewster is also an important wildlife refuge for the Australian pelican, black swan and great crested grebe.


The project will restore the storage capacity of the lake, improve the reliability of water storage to Lachlan River customers.

Storage levels are currently reduced to a maximum of about 80% due to major damage to the lake's embankments. These levels will progressively increase as proposed permanent repair work are completed.


  • Mid 2023 – Complete emergency repair works, following major floods in November 2022.
  • 2023 and early 2024 – Continue to scope permanent repair works including completing condition assessment and necessary design, environmental and heritage studies. WaterNSW is currently completing additional repair works to Levee C, while planning for permanent repair work is underway.
  • Later 2024 – Program of work to be scheduled, and work to start in early 2025.


Major flooding in November 2022 caused significant damage to the lake’s inlet channel embankments, preventing lake inflows and restricting access to infrastructure to essential maintenance and inspection work. Recognising the lake’s importance to the region’s storage capacity, water quality and ecology, WaterNSW prioritised emergency repair work and this work was completed in April 2023.

Despite emergency repair works, storage levels are reduced to a maximum of about 80% due to major damages. These levels will progressively increase once the proposed permanent repair works are completed.


WaterNSW recognises a range of stakeholders interested in these works and is committed to consulting closely with impacted parties when required.

The area around Lake Brewster has high cultural heritage significance and we will undertake the appropriate environmental and heritage reviews, including consultation with key parties, before work starts.

We will work closely with customers and our internal delivery teams to minimise impacts to water supply during construction, and we will keep customers informed as plans progress.

We also recognise the lake’s large pelican population and will continue to work closely with the Department of Planning and Environment, Lachlan Environmental Water Advisory Group (EWAG) and other government organisations and interested community members.


For general enquiries on WaterNSW’s work please contact us.

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