Warragamba pipeline

Maintenance and upgrades

The Warragamba Pipeline is a vital piece of Sydney’s water infrastructure. It moves water from the source at Warragamba Dam to treatment plants at Warragamba, Orchard Hills and Prospect to supply on average 80% of the water  for over five million people in Greater Sydney.

To ensure the network reliability, structural integrity of the pipeline and pipeline access is maintained, regular inspections and maintenance are performed across the length of the pipeline.

Pipeline maintenance

As part of regular maintenance work, WaterNSW is completing civil works on two sections of the pipeline.

  • section 1: 2 km section between Mamre Road and Compass Drive, Erskine Park.
  • section 2: 1.8 km section between WestlinkM7 and Ferrers Road, Eastern Creek.

The works will focus on regrading batter slopes and stabilise surfaces with concrete apron to avoid damage to pipelines, repair areas subject to erosion, maintain drains and channels and replace culverts within the pipeline corridor. Additional items of work include vegetation clearing to reduce the risk of trees collapsing on the pipelines and upgrades to existing access tracks within the pipeline corridor for future maintenance purposes.

Work includes:

  • construction and remediation of existing drainage channels and installing new erosion measures and culverts across waterways
  • stabilisation of Creek embankments
  • removal of trees that pose a risk to the pipeline integrity and clearing of vegetation across batters along the pipeline
  • stabilisation of creek embankments.


Work started in November 2024 and is expected to be completed by mid-2025. Work hours are 7am until 6pm Monday to Friday and Saturday from 8am to 1pm, weather permitting.


WaterNSW is working with local business adjacent to the pipeline and will continue to keep the local community informed on work progress.

Valves and controls

WaterNSW is carrying out the next phase of the Warragamba Pipeline Valves and Controls Upgrade to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of the pipelines, and provide a resilient and safe water supply to customers in Greater Sydney.

The upgrade started in early June and will be complete by late 2024, weather permitting.

Work will include:

  • replacement or refurbishment of major valves and control systems
  • improvement of security systems and access
  • installation of pressure monitoring and fault-detection systems.

Work will take place during standard construction hours, Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 1pm. We will consult with relevant stakeholders if work outside these hours is required.

WaterNSW has partnered with Abergeldie to deliver this work.

Impacts of the work might include increased staff and equipment on site, dust and noise and some truck movements. All work will be carried out on WaterNSW land, and no access to private property is required.

In early June, some properties connected to the pipeline experienced a temporary outage of their untreated water supply due to essential works. These works are now complete and water has been reconnected to those affected.

Recently completed maintenance works

The first phase of the Warragamba Pipeline Valves and Controls Upgrade was completed in late 2023.

Work to recoat and reseal sections of the Warragamba pipeline has also been completed. Work involved the removing of old coating from the pipeline and applying a new, protective layer and joint sealing to improve durability and environmental resilience of the asset.

The 2.1m diameter pipeline.
Newly upgraded valves, completed during works in 2023.


For more information about the upgrades or to enquire about any of the project activities contact us or call 1300 662 077.

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